Cruz Thru for Honor Flight Kern County!

June 29, 2014

Do you need to wash your car? We now have discount coupons for Cruz Thru! Thank you Cruz Thru Car Wash for helping us in our Fundraising efforts! Every time you use one of these coupons, we get $0.50! This will add up fast as we know how dirty our cars get in Bakersfield!

We will have them tonight June 29th at Beale Park at the concert. Find any of us in our white Honor Flight Kern County shirts and just ask!

As we get them distributed around town, we will let you know where they are. You can always contact us here or leave us a private message on our Facebook Page and we will get them to you!

If your business would like to have some so your customers/clients can pick them up, let us know and we will get them to you!

Honor Flight Kern County - Cruz Thru