“I can honestly say that this was an experience that I will never forget. Being able to spend time
with an amazing group of people but I had the honor of assisting a veteran on his first trip to
Washington DC. This was an experience I will never ever forget!”
David N., Guardian
“I served in Vietnam…1 was blessed to have my daughter Cindey as my guardian.
Cindey has told everyone she sees that the trip is Life Changing and I agree 100%.”
Larry O., Veteran
“To the beautiful people who made my Purple Heart Blanket, you brought a tear to my eyes.
Bless you all!! I will cherish this blanket forever!!
To Guardian Bethany, you are a special person… You have place in my heart, I will never forget
Dan B., Veteran
“Truly an ‘honor’ for me.
Thanks for your work Ralph (Bailey) and Salty’s BBQ!”
Nick D., Veteran
“I want to thank all the men and women who volunteered and helped with the 50th Honors
Flight. The love and passion the volunteers displayed were without words. The honor bestowed
on the veterans though out the trip was heart warming. It is clear your organization had given
thought to every detail to make the trip memorable.
Thank you again and God Bless all.”
Henry C., Veteran
What can you do to help?
Help us sign up Veterans, Guardians & Volunteers.
We are actively seeking Veterans, Guardians and Volunteers for Honor Flight Kern County.
Go to their pages to download applications.
Feel free to contact us for information.
Your donations help us send our Veterans at no cost to them and they are tax deductible.
You or your company can be a sponsor to send our Veterans on their Honor Flight.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Sign up here.
As always, feel free to contact us for more information.
Help send our Veterans off and greet them when they return.
Their hero’s send off and greeting is well deserved.
These events are a moving experience for all who attend. Come out and take part!
We could not accomplish this mission without your help. Thank you for your support!
c/o The UPS Store
8200 Stockdale Hwy
Suite M-10, Box 255
Bakersfield, CA 93311
HFKC phone number:
(661) 527-3838
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property of and are used with the
permission of Honor Flight, Inc